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أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 2984 بتاريخ السبت أبريل 14, 2012 8:08 pm

طريقة عرض الأقسام

لونك المفضل

 Today's most important events in Homs (the capital of Syrian revolution) Tue. 8 Oct. 2013 Empty Today's most important events in Homs (the capital of Syrian revolution) Tue. 8 Oct. 2013

Supporters of Syrian Revolution in Homs

--- Today's most important events in Homs (the capital of Syrian revolution) Tue. 8 Oct. 2013, up to the moment:
- Homs besieged neighborhoods (especially Joret al-Shayah and al-Qussour) was under heavy artillery shelling and explosive barriels, also recorded one rocket on Joret al-Shayah.
- Al-Hula town was under heavy shelling since early morning, 100 shells recorded on civilians houses that resulted many wounded and massive destruction in buildings.
- Also shelling renewed on al-Hossun with artillery and 57mm cannons wich placed on al-Sayeh mountain, that resulted many wounded, while artillery shelling renewed on Rastan, Talbiseh, and Dar al-Kbireh.
- In other way heros of Free Army in the eastern countryside of Homs was able to libration border officers in al-Tanf Hamaad near to Iraqi border, and arrested many members.
- Siege countinued on the city of Homs and its countryside in addition to worsening of living, medical and education condition, daily.

--- Videos:
- Al-Hula: heavy shelling, and its effects:

- Rastan: heavy shelling, and suffering continue:

 Today's most important events in Homs (the capital of Syrian revolution) Tue. 8 Oct. 2013 1383039_616949158355878_470176123_n

 Today's most important events in Homs (the capital of Syrian revolution) Tue. 8 Oct. 2013 Empty رد: Today's most important events in Homs (the capital of Syrian revolution) Tue. 8 Oct. 2013

Unione dei sostenitori della rivolta-8 ottobre 2013 . Homs
Gli avvenimenti più importanti della capitale della rivolta, Homs
La parte assediata della città soprattutto Jiuret al Shaiah è stata violentemente bombardata, con caduta di un razzo terra-terra. Ad al Houla i bombardamenti diretti sulle abitazioni dei civili ne hanno colpito almeno 100, causando un gran numero di feriti. Anche a Qalet al Hoson i bombardamenti hanno causato un gran numero di feriti. Nella zona nord l’esercito libero ha potuto liberare una zona al confine, arrestando un numero indefinito di persone.
La situazione a Homs è sempre più tragica a causa dell’assedio che impedisce l’arrivo di aiuti di qualsiasi genere, e si aggrava giorno per giorno a causa dell’arrivo dell’inverno.
Le zone bombardate:
Qalet al Hoson, Talbiseh, Jiuret al Shaiah, al Qasur, Bab Hud, Al Hamidie, al Rastan, al Dar al Kabira, al Houla
al Houla- bombardamenti ed effetti della distruzione
al Rastan- bombardamenti e sofferenza

 Today's most important events in Homs (the capital of Syrian revolution) Tue. 8 Oct. 2013 1385955_616949805022480_386915837_n
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