Supporters of Syrian Revolution in Homs

--- Today's most important events in Homs (the capital of Syrian Revolution) Sat. 29 Sep. 2013, up to the moment:
- Heavy artillery shelling renewed since early morning on old Homs neighborhoods from two lines of the castle and officers club of Homs, also shelling with artillery and rockets launchers renewed on al-Hossun in conjunction with Free Army clashes against regime forces happend on the southern and eastern entrance of the town.
- Rastan town also was under heavy artillery shelling from military engineering academy wich placed north of the town, resulted one martayr and many wounded including children.
- In al-Sukhneh in the eastern countryside of Homs violent clashe happened where heros of Free Army killed many shabbiha, in cunjunction with shelling by military aviation and heavy artillery on the town and its countryside.
- Also military aviation launched an air strike on Mheen town killed an elderly woman and a many woynded.
- In al-Wa'er, shabiha wich placed over al-Berr hospital opened fire randomly on civilians, that resulted to martayr an elderly man and many injuries.
- Regime forces also targeted al-Dablan neighborhood wich full of civilians with many mortar shells, while shelling renewed on each of al-Hula and Dar al-Kbireh.

-- Shelling points: (al-Hossun, al-Wa'er, Dablan, Karm al-Shami, Bab Hood, al-Qussur, Joret al-Shayah, Mheen, Dar al-Kbireh, al-Nourah, Dyabeyh, al-Hula).

--- Homs today's martayrs:
1- Martayr: (al-Haj) Khaled al-Khateeb, al-Wa'er, because of sniper shot of Assad's gangs.
2- Martayr: Qasem Barakat Ayoub, Rastan, because of shelling from military engineering academy.
3- Martayr: Muaath Abdul-Haleem al-Saeed, al-Hula, Free Army member, defending on his religion and land.
4- Martayr: Sameera Abdil-Aziz al-Qasem(65 years old), Mheen, because of shelling by military aviation.

--- Videos:
- al-Hossun: heavy shelling and clashes:

- Rastan: heavy shelling, and wounded of it, and worsening of humanitarian situation:

- Statement by Crisis Management Committee inside besieged Homs:

- Al-Hula: speech for the owner of one house was under shelling:

- Talbiseh: destruction effects because of incessant shelling:

شاهد الترجمة

 --- Today's most important events in Homs (the capital of Syrian Revolution) Sat. 29 Sep. 1378592_611901005527360_1259663304_n