Couple of hours ago we were working on translating a video about the child (Rana Abeid) needing help before she died.

Now she is a martyr, we didn't get a chance to finish the video

Rana Abeid one year old child; she searched for someone who can rescue her, feed her and give her treatment.

She died due to the harsh siege imposed on Moadamiet Al-Sham city for more than ten months

God is sufficient for us, and how fine a trustee (he is) !

#Moadamiet Al-Sham 23-9-2013

الثورة السورية بلغات العالم Syrian Revolution in the languages of the world

 Couple of hours ago we were working on translating a video about the child (Rana Abeid) n 1233417_10153423629705727_514728628_n