Zamalka, Damascus Suburbs:
Horrific massacre took place in the
area after a al-Assed Militias detonate a car bomb at the funeral of martyr Abdul Hadi al-Halabi. The dreadful, shocking blast killed more than 50 people and injured more than ...
150 others. Security forces spread around the crime scene and used live ammunition to prevent ordinary civilians from offering medical help, and to prevent the arrival of ambulances. They also kidnapped some of the wounded and the bodies of the martyrs.

Zamalka_30, 6, 2012_The moment of the car explosion

The first moments after the horrific explosion.

Dozens of martyrs and injured people due to the horrific massacre that took place as a result of the explosion

Zamalka, Damascus Suburbs:  541363_10150938267621247_238523337_n