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أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 2984 بتاريخ السبت أبريل 14, 2012 8:08 pm

طريقة عرض الأقسام

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اخواني واخواتي الاعزاء من يريد ايرسل رسالة الى الناتو


هذا هو النص....

We, the free Syrian people, are ruled by a dictator Bashar Al-Assad who leads gangs of murders and drug dealers. The Assad's gangs kill, torture, rape and arrest us because we found peaceful protests are the only way to get out the Syrian regime and to get freedom, democracy and justice. Right now about 10000 soldiers of gangs and armed forces of Criminal president of Syria are surrounding Homs for invasion, more massacres are planned to be done for people of Homs.
We ask the human rights organizations- the honest governments over the world- presidents- prime ministers- all descent people everywhere to save us and to:
1. Stop the Arab League conspiracy with gangs of criminal Assad (the Arab League is represented by Arab Dictatorship Governments).
2. Give the responsibility of resolution in Syria to the United Nation
3. Get out the brutal Syrian regime.
4. Have a No-Fly Zone, and an isolated area for civilians' protection.
5. Recognition of the Syrian National Council.
6. Put maximum pressure over the Syrian regime to allow International media and Red Cross to get in Syria.
Your help for free Syrian people is very appreciated.

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