هو اكبر موقع يبحث عن هذا الموضوع فتحت مظلته 25 منظمة، نشر التقرير التالي:
وملخصه ان 60% من الأطفال المهاجرين لوحدهم لبريطانيا يُفقدون ولا أحد يجدهم، كما ان المفقودين يختفون خلال 48 ساعة من وصولهم لمراكز اللجوء ، ويعزو التقرير لأسباب الإستغلال الجنسي من المافيات ويضيف ان المافيات تجبر الأطفال على التبرع بأعضائهم.
ألم أقل لكم ان المسألة خطيرة
These children often enter the EU after facing harrowing, life threatening journeys in order to escape war, violence and poverty. On the way, many of them get separated from their parents or adults responsible for their care. Some of these children have a defined end country in mind, others have been trafficked or smuggled into the EU. 60% of the unaccompanied children accommodated in UK social care centres go missing and are never found, according the British Asylum Screening Unit. Other figures show that upto half of the children placed in certain reception centres in Europe go missing within 48 hours of being placed in a reception centre. Threats faced by unaccompanied migrant children according to Frontex research include sexual exploitation in terms of pornography and prostitution; economic exploitation including forced donation of organs; criminal exploitation including drug smuggling and child trafficking including forced marriage and beggin